I wanted to share a few thoughts I have on what I have learned over the last few months. I have been very aware of how satan manipulates us when we are facing hard times. How he puts thoughts in our mind which can cause us to doubt God's word and question things which in turn creates doubt in us. He does not want us to trust God and his word and to realize that there is power in the name of Jesus. And all we have to do is have faith.
Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross. We accept our salvation through faith. Jesus also paid for our healing by the stripes he took. " By his stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5 Healing comes through faith. I have heard people pray for healing and say... If it is God's will. I do not believe this is how we should pray. I think it creates doubt and lack of faith. It is not God's will for his children to be sick. It is his will for us to be healed. God does NOT make us sick to pay for our sins either. Satan is the one who brings sickness and premature death. Take a look at Job. Job went through a lot, lost loved ones, etc... In Job God allows satan to bring all these things on Job but tells him he may not take his life. If we look at the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6: 10-13. It tells us to pray in this manner...
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Is there any sickness in heaven? It says thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. There is no sickness in heaven so it is not his will for his children to be sick. I can not find anywhere in the bible where Jesus refused to heal someone. Jesus healed everyone that came to him to be healed. (Here is a link to some good faith scriptures) He said we (as believers) would do all these things and more in the name of Jesus. If we ask anything in the name of Jesus he would do it. John 14:14 Many times in the new testament when someone came to him for healing he said " According to thy faith be it unto you" Matthew 9: 22 , Matthew 9:29 We ask for healing in Jesus name and we accept the healing then and praise God for healing. We do not continue to ask over and over again for healing because that shows a lack of faith in us that we do not believe God has healed. Most people think when you ask for healing you should see a miracle right then or God has not healed. I believe in miraculous healing but 9 times out of 10 it does not occur this way. In Mark 16:18 It says... TThey shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Just as we ask in faith for God to forgive our sins and come into our heart when we first become a Christian when we ask for healing we must ask in faith. We may not feel or see the results right then but we have faith and trust God heard our prayer. God forgives us our trespasses and heals all our diseases. Psalms 103:3
Another thought... Sometimes we
have a tendency to think because everything is going wrong that God is doing
this to us. Why do some people have everything and everything goes right
for them with no problems could be our thinking? We as Christians will
always face problems but God says he will never leave us or forsake us and he
will be there for us in times of trouble.
Deuteronomy 31:8 and Psalm 91:15
We are living in satan's world. I have a belief that if things
seem to be all going wrong we must be living right or doing something right.
Satan would like to destroy us because he knows we are God's and he can
not have us. If he can not win us over ...he would rather we die and go
on to heaven. He does
not want us to take more with us by winning them over to Christ. The
people he has hold on... why torment them so he leaves them alone. That is
how I look at it.